Friday, March 1, 2013

Seashore Digital Artwork in Grade 4

Seashore is a fantastic free application for Macs - basically a kids version of PhotoShop. The conventions and mechanics of it are identical to PhotoShop, which makes it ideal for developing the students' image manipulation skills in the Primary School.

Grade 4 with Caroline and Siân have been getting their students to make pixelated magic with Seashore, at the end of the unit, the students contributed their creations to a class album using Picasa to share them with each other.  The students learned how to:

  1. use a digital camera to capture an image that is in focus and with good exposure.
  2. critique their own work and that of others using an art vocabulary.
  3. upload an image from the camera and into a Picasa album.
  4. change an image into a different visual form using software, in a way that is very different to editing the photo.
  5. produce a visually interesting image that still resembles the original photo.

View the album to see some of the results...

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