Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Creating email groups in Contacts - MS/HS

The beginning of the a new school year is a great time to get organised. Setting up email groups for your classes or activities is perhaps the biggest time saver to focus on. Below is a video which steps through the process, but if you are in a hurry work through the bullet points below. For lots of other time saving tips, check out our videos here.

  1. Log into the CIMS system from the new UWCSEA Portal
  2. Navigate to your timetable and select a class
  3. Click on the email student button at top
  4. Copy the students email address - click Command + A, then Command + C to copy all
  5. Open a new tab with GMail and select Contacts from top black menu bar
  6. Scroll down to create a new group - name this with something that is precise
  7. Click at the top + symbol and paste in the students email addresses... then you are done !
You can check that this works by creating an email and typing in the group name. You must type in exactly the same phrase as before. You can also use this group in any Google App, including Google Drive or Picasa Web Albums.

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