Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Digital Disorganisation & Parenting: Part 2

Digital Organisation Essentials
As explained in Part 1, parents generally struggle to model effective practices when it comes to the organisation of their digital devices, but it's not all doom and gloom. When it comes to the use of digital tools for organisation, many—if not most parents—embraced these with enthusiasm some time ago, and are now generally proficient in their use. What they don't often realise is that they could and should encourage their children to use similar tools, in the same way, and for the same reasons they do. 

Where there can be confusion, is which tools to use; as there are a plethora of them out there. So in this post I will outline the organisational tools we encourage our students to use. While these may not be the same as the tools parents use, they will be very similar, and the ways to use them will be identical. So whether they're using Apple Reminders, or Evernote, or Google Keep is not the focus; it's not about the nouns, it's about the verbs, or to put it another way, it's not what you use, it's how you use it.

As our students progress through the college in Primary and Middle School they are expected to use a paper organiser. At the end of Grade 8, in preparation for High School where they have the freedom to choose whatever system they like, we formally introduce them to digital organisation tools at the start of term 3. What follows summarises our plans for our Middle School students as they prepare to make the leap from paper and pencil, to pixels and dings.

Google tools

As a school that uses Google Apps it makes sense for us to utlise the apps in this suite, as they are just a click away from the GMail inbox and Google Drive that they've been using for many years. The slide deck shared at the top of this post outlines how to set these tools up, but to summarise, we expect students to use:

  1. their Google Calendar to manage their timetable, adding other events from their busy lives, such as sporting events, activities, service, and rehearsals et cetera. 
  2. the To-Do panel in our online learning platform (Teamie) to keep track of homework deadlines. 
  3. Google Keep (or similar) for everything else, ie reminders, lists, and notes. 

Blended organisation

Many parents, and many of our students may prefer a more 'blended' approach—using a paper organiser for some items and areas, and using digital tools for others. If you do decide to use this approach, an important consideration is that you need to make sure that with one or both of these you are transferring events, otherwise you can end up with clashes between events, because one is recorded on paper and not included on the digital calendar, or vice versa. This does mean a certain amount of duplication, which for me was the reason why I eventually abandoned this approach, and switched to digital tools completely.

Why go digital? 

There are many reasons, but a brief summary follows, focused on the 'transformational' power of digital tools, ie what digital organisational tools can do that traditional tools cannot:

  • Situated: unlike a paper organiser, digital organisation tools can be anywhere you are with a digital device, synced across all the devices you have connected, and all kept in sync in real time. 
  • Access: an idea, an image, a quote, a website, a video, a document, a reminder, a list, all a click or two away, and a copy/paste makes it easy to locate later, or/and to annotate with some simple notes. Best of all, it's searchable, no more flicking through pages desperately skimming for that snippet of information. 
  • Multimodal: Now you are not limited to text or to a hastily scribbled scrawl on the back of a proverbial envelope—notes can be a quick picture, or short video, or an audio recording. You can even dictate straight into your notes (just pretend you're on the phone 😉) Best of all are the audio notifications; that 'ding!' is incredibly useful. 
  • Mutable: Need to change that date, that time, that place? Update/edit that note? Changed your mind? Need to add clarification? No problem,  and no crossed out entries in your planner. 
  • Social: with a few clicks, notes, and calendar events can be shared with one or many. For parents in particular, if you can persuade your child to share their calendar with you, you will find much easier to keep track of what they're doing, and where they are, or where they should be...

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Digital Disorganisation & Parenting: Part 1

Messy bedroom via
What does a messy bedroom got to do with digital organisation? And well might you wonder, well, more than you might think. I work with students throughout the college, or maybe a more accurate term might be nag, the digital equivalent of:

‘Tidy your room!’

'How do you find anything in here?’ 

‘Pick up after yourself!’ 

You get the idea. 

If you were to follow me around you'd hear exhortations along similar lines, only in relation to the state of student laptops, particularly the dreaded desktop

What does this have to do with parents? 

The problem I regularly encounter is that whereas most of our students can rely on their parents to be effective role models—for example in terms of their expectations about the tidiness of their children's bedrooms—this is rarely the case with the organisation of their parent’s computers. And that’s a problem; as parents you are in a much better position to model effective organisation than your children’s teachers. Ultimately what we’re really talking about here, isn't bedrooms or desktops, it's about mindset, just because the context is digital/virtual doesn’t mean it’s not as important.

Now I realise that as parents, if you’re around my age (most of my 40s already in the rear view mirror) and many of you are, you have an excuse; you probably didn’t even use a computer with a desktop operating system until you were in your 20s and 30s, and even then you probably had to figure it out for yourself. Hence the reason for this post, allow me to outline the fundamental expectations we have for all of our students who use a laptop, and by extension the fundamental we have in terms of expectations for teachers and parents as well; every time you open up your laptop you're sending a message to whoever you're with, the question is, are you being a good role model, or do you need to 'tidy your room'?

The Fundamental 4

There are lots of aspects to digital organisation, but the four that are most essential, and that also happen to be synergetic, ie all four are codependent, are:

1. Any browser you use should be connected to an associated cloud service, with Chrome that's Google, but all the main browsers provide this service free of charge. Once connected, all the files you depend on should be not be strewn all over your desktop, but should be stored, and organised online (2. & 3.) or/and in a place where they are constantly and instantly backed up to a secure online storage such as Google Drive, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive, and iCloud to name but a few. 

4. All of the websites you rely on to function effectively from day to day should be organised along the bookmark bar of your preferred browser, one that is also connected and synchronised to a cloud account, so that those bookmarks, stored in folders, are backed up, and accessible in any other device that you use. 

The Essential Tech Slide Deck:

Be a role model of digital organisation

Using the slide deck above, this is the exact same deck that teachers, and mentors, and advisors across the college show to our students, you can do more to support your child's efficient organisation than we ever can, so what are you waiting for? Go tidy your room!

All you need to do is commit 10 minutes a day, until you have the fundamental four covered, then once you've recovered from the blissful sense of catharsis, move on to the others...

Now you can rest assured that you no longer need to just nag your kids to pick up after themselves, and tidy up their bedroom, but also that they need to clear out their desktops, tidy up their drive and organise their bookmarks as well!  :)

One more thing...

There are two other areas where you can be an effective role model, I've linked to other posts I've written about those as well below. 

Screen time: Studies indicate that working parents spend an average of > 9 hours looking at screens, everyday. So maybe that allowance of 30 minutes a day for your child needs reconsidering? 

Passwords: From what the students tell me on a regularly basis, their parents are generally notoriously poor role models in this area—see this post for some practical advice—but some basics you should ensure you model for your children are:
  1. Keep your passwords secret, your children should not know your passwords! 
  2. Note passwords are plural, you should have a different password for every account you use. 
Last but not least, see my follow up to this post Digital Disorganisation & Parenting: Part 2 which provided some guidance in helping your child build effective organisational habits that will benefit them for their rest of their digital lives.  When it comes to the use of digital tools for organisation, many—if not most parents—embraced these with enthusiasm some time ago, and are now generally proficient in their use. What they don't often realise is that they could and should encourage their children to use similar tools, in the same way, and for the same reasons they do. 

Where there can be confusion, is which tools to use; as there are a plethora of them out there. So I outline the organisational tools we encourage our students to use. While these may not be the same as the tools parents use, they will be very similar, and the ways to use them will be identical. So whether they're using Apple Reminders, or Evernote, or Google Keep is not the focus; it's not about the nouns, it's about the verbs, or to put it another way, it's not what you use, it's how you use it.