Sunday, September 25, 2011

Distributing Picture Resources in Class

Ever have one of those days/weeks/months when you just didn't have time to upload your resources to dropbox, StudyWiz eLocker or just worried that students won't download the resources before class?

Fret not. Help is here.

iPhoto has the ability to allow you (and/or your students) to share your various albums with each other via a network.

What this means is that your laptops can now serve as a photo hub resource.

Before we go on, I should mention that you might want to create a separate user or iphoto library for your personal pictures. You can follow these steps to set that up.

Checklist of things you need before we share photos:
  1. A network (wireless or otherwise)
  2. Specific iPhoto Albums that you would like to share with your class (try to avoid one general album for students to sort through)
Now here's what we do:

Step 1: Launch iPhoto (If you haven't already)
Step 2: In the menu bar, select, iPhoto - Preferences
Step 3: Select Sharing

Step 4: Select the option: Look for shared photos (students have to do this too).
Step 5: Choose the Albums that you wish to share. See below for sample setup for Steps 4 and 5.
You can check on the Require password box if you would like to make sure that only your students have access to your albums.

Easy isn't it?

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