Sunday, September 18, 2011

Sharing photos from iPhoto to a Picasa online gallery

Often there is a need to share a collection of photographs with students. The easiest way to do this is to use iPhoto and then export to a Picasa Gallery. You can upload images/photographs and even videos to Picasa, although your account will have a size limit of around 1GB.
  1. From within iPhoto you need to click on an event and then select export from the File Menu.
  2. Then choose to click on the Picasa Web Albums option
  3. Add your school email address and password
  4. Then you can fiddle and change some options to make the album public or private and add tags.

1 comment:

  1. Note: This post assumes you already have the Picasa plugin installed for iPhoto, otherwise when you go to File > Export you will not see a Picasa Web Albums option.

    If that's the case just quit iPhoto, go here:

    And download and install the plugin. Then reopen iPhoto and the option to export to Picasa will be available.
