Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Grade 5 Class Google Site

Andrew Finn has been pushing the boundaries of digital possibilities by using his class Google Site as powerful communication, administration and organisational tool. Andrew explains,

"The class website evolved out of the idea that we needed to making Literacy more of a living subject. As a class,  we wanted to make our writing more available to a wider audience, whether  in the format of a movie or as an excerpt from our writing notebooks.

We also wanted to be able to take our Reading Workshop to a new level, by commenting on our Conflict Novels on the site. Adding a 'hit counter' was important, in order to ascertain how much the site gets used. Also parents offer keen feedback when they see pertinent dates on the homepage, relating only to the class (such as 'Homework Assignment due Friday 13th April!)
After the website became popular, students requested that an individual page was set up for each of them, so they could post a 'personal profile' about themselves as well as samples of their extra writing and links to inspirational, educational webpages.  
The students have found many ways of using the website and the novelty seems never to wear off. It also presents great opportunities for us as a class to discuss appropriate behaviour, language and accuracy in writing. The website is hugely sustainable - downloading photos of a class trip can take as little as 3-4 minutes usually and setting up a new page takes even less time."

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