Monday, February 24, 2014

Padlet - for collaboration and low stakes formative assessment

I strongly I encourage every teacher I work with, to develop a toolkit of digital tools that the use in the classroom. I see Padlet as one of these core tools, that can be repurposed in many different ways, to support both formative assessment and collaboration.

Padlet fits very nicely with ideas around both collaboration and formative assessment. Especially the idea of setting a quick task to elicit evidence of understanding. Because Padlet requires no-student log in it is an unobtrusive activity and a task that seldom breaks the rhythm of the class. Below is an example from my Economics class this week. I use the mini-whiteboards so much, but this was a chance to modify the task, so that I could look at the both an analysis paragraph and the whiteboard diagram later. The little snippet of understanding shown gives me a good clue to the student's progress and thinking.

Below is a presentation, and embedded example, I have shared with our Middle School teachers, please borrow and repurpose !

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